More Marketing, More People, More Profits! | Wholesaling Real Estate
April 13, 2022
Okay. So, guys, Graylan here again with another video. This is my work Wednesday vlog day. So just talk about whatever it's happening at the time. So thanks for joining me. I appreciate it. I am a real estate wholesaler, an entrepreneur investor. Overall, we do fixing flips, buy and hold rentals, which is the same as buying old and lots of wholesale deals where US innovation deals, which is like a hybrid of wholesale and retail, that's for another video. So today on the agenda. So we've just got a hot lead and I got a text or a Slack message from our co caller provider because if it's a super hot, hot leave, they send us a Slack message saying, hey, you know who's available basically to take this live transfer? So they'll transfer the call to our team live so that we can get them while they're really hot, right? So that's pretty cool. That's been going great. We're coming off a really solid week from last week. It's going to be a great quarter. If you saw my video from Monday, we came off of our worst quarter, our worst first quarter ever. You know, I've had 4/1 quarter so far. That was our worst one. And it's mostly because. People being out in November or December, because what you do today affects what happens 30, 60, 90 days from now. So anyways, you haven't watched that video. Check it out for sure. Sorry about that. Just got a call from a buddy asking me about a deal that we have.
He was he was asking about my disposition manager, telling me that he was talking to her already, but wanted to run something by me, you know, because he buys deals from us a lot of times and double closers with another buyer that he's got a handful of other buyers that he sells to or not just a handful a lot, I guess. But I mean, that's the thing is, man, people can make money in this business. We can all make money. So I'm like, I mean, it's cool. I mean, what you make is your business. I don't really mind, but he was just kind of giving me the heads up just to be, you know, just to be upfront, I guess. But anyways, as I was saying, a lot of people have asked me about this code com company and everything that I use my business. Let me turn this camera just a little bit. But everything I use in my business every day, what we actively use on a day to day basis is always in the description in my in my videos. So that co common company is in the description if you are interested. It's crazy expensive, but it's crazy worth it, you know, because we literally get we've already gotten two hot leads, actually. We've gotten three leads today now two of which they hit us up on Slack because like I said, if it's if they want 40 to 70% lower than the RV, they're going to hit it up on Slack so they can try to do a live transfer to one of my acquisition managers.
Otherwise it'll just go into a form field that goes straight into our Podio. But even those deals, they're usually like, maybe they want 70 to 80% of RV. You know, they don't hit us up as a for a live transfer on those. So every lead is really, really good typically. So, you know, you get what you pay for in life, you know, that's just the way things go. Typically, not always, but usually when things are more expensive, they're usually more expensive for a reason, right? So it's worth it. And that's exactly why, you know, some people have asked me, you know, why is your course so much or whatever? Am I it's really not that much compared to other courses out there. It's actually a lot less. But the courses are valuable. You know, I've spent four years or so of my life and literally $250,000 between education and software and just learning this business inside and out. So all of that knowledge and years and money spent all compiled into courses that I make, it's not expensive. You know, I think my wholesaling courses and by the way, I have a completely free wholesaling course to for those of you that want it go to Grayling Stewart dot com click on the button the red button on the left the far left if you're on your phone, it's the first one you see, but it's a completely free, 100% free, no strings attached course, step by step.
But then I have a wholesaling course that you pay for that's super in-depth. Like you can't not do a deal from that if you just follow the plan, right? It's step by step exactly how to do it. Action steps on what to do. So there's value in that. And I think it's only like 1500 bucks. I mean, it's crazy cheap for something that can make you millions of dollars. You know, people go to college and spend, you know, 100 grand on four or five year education just to make 50, 60 grand a year and then try to pay off the student loans for the next 20 to 30 years of their life. I mean, that's crazy to me, but people don't want to spend 1500 or my Facebook organic courses, 2500. That literally brings us an average of like 32,000 every deal. And we do deals every single month from that method. It's like these courses are cheap, you know? But that's a little rant. I'm not trying to go down that rabbit hole, but my point was this cold calling company is super expensive. But when they bring you leads like that, we've done deals. We've been with them since April 1st.
So this is the third time we've done deals. So it's been two full weeks of all right, every week we've done a deal with them, so it's worth it. You know, when our average deal last year was about 20,000, I think this year we're closer to like 16,000 at the moment, but that'll that will increase, you know, throughout the year. I'm pretty confident that we'll end up at 20 or higher before the year is out. Most likely, but nevertheless. When somethings bring you that kind of return, it's a no brainer. It doesn't matter what it costs. Right? Because really, if you think about it, it's free, right? If a 1500 dollars course can actually bring you even 100 grand, that it's free. If 5000 dollars course brings you 20 grand, then it's free. You know what I'm saying? So that's how I look at costs and things like that. You know, I don't I don't let that stuff get to me. That's why it doesn't bother me to spend 10,000 a month on TV or whatever. You know, it's a lot of money. But when I know that can bring me 100 grand, then I'm weighing those up. You know what I mean? Of course, obviously, nothing is guaranteed at the end of the day. You know, at the end of the day, the work falls on you. Right. When advertising comes in, it's on my acquisition managers to get those deals, to close my transaction coordinator to make sure it gets to the closing table, my disposition manager to make sure they get sold.
And ultimately my job to make sure that that marketing method works to where we can all get paid on it and, you know, live off the fruits of it or whatever. So anyways, I don't even know how I got on all that subject. But you know, it's funny because recently, you know, a couple of work Wednesdays ago, I think I bragged on an employee and I've said this recently, you know, as soon as you brag on somebody, that's when they let you down. But at the same time, you know, people need to hear that they're doing a good job. So we try to do that in my organization. I'm not the best at that because it's hard for me to tell somebody that they're doing a really good job for what's their job anyways. But if it's like over and above and they're, you know, I can see they're on top of things and things like that. And, you know, I try to get people praises when I can. Like I said, I'm not the best at that, but I'm trying to get better. But I have you know, I have someone else that is kind of stepping in and helping me do everything in the business. So, you know, so help me with all that as well. But nevertheless, as soon as I bagging somebody, that's when they let you down.
So I bragged about this star employee that I had. We were even talking about promoting her to bigger and better things because she was really good, like really on top of things, super proactive in all of our actions in the company without being told. Just figured it out and got it done. And then all of a sudden she goes to me like she's just straight. Didn't show up and couldn't figure out why. That was really strange and it got to the point, literally. I thought she was dead. I'm not even kidding. I mean, we really thought she might be dead because she hadn't even posted on social media since the time that she ghosted me. Couldn't get a hold of her family that we knew of or whatever. It was strange, y'all. I don't get it. I don't understand people. But nevertheless, I did see her post something the last couple of days or whatever, so I know she's alive, which is a good news. I don't wish bad things on anybody ever, but at the same time it's really weird because I still haven't got an explanation. She never replied to texts, emails, phone calls multiple days in a row. So I have no clue what actually happened, what went down, why we got the silent treatment when she was super excited, literally one day and then the next day she didn't show up. It's weird, but you know, it is what it is.
But on another note, I've got a new acquisition manager starting that actually is not new because he was with me last year and the reason he left last year was because his girlfriend got in the way. To be honest, that's the thing. You know, when you work remote, you know, we are 100% virtual company, right? We lucked deals up over the phone virtually. And my entire team works from their own homes. So we're virtual in that respect too. But when you are a virtual employee, you got to be disciplined. I mean, that's the key. You've got to be disciplined to wake up every day, do your job all day, every day. Don't let distractions. Don't let a TV show distract you or, you know, a long lunch or make a trip to the grocery store or whatever. You got all these things that could distract you. That's when you've got to have a strong head and, you know, just strong discipline, you know, to actually not fall into those traps and stay focused. And that's what happened to him last year. You know, he got this girlfriend, so he started sleeping in late and going along lunch break, go work out the gym with her, you know, go shopping with her. This was all during work hours, right? So obviously that was bad for him and that was bad for the company. Right. He obviously started making $0 because he literally was like working one or 2 hours a day.
All of a sudden when he was working 8 to 10 hours a day. That's what it takes. So he did really, really good until all that happened. But anyways, I'm allowed him to come back because he was really good. I won't really have to train him because he already knows what he's doing. I'll have to catch him up to speed. On different changes in Podio that we've made. We've added innovation since he's been gone, but other than that, it's like you just put them back in and start going. But he's super excited. Motivated again, swears that the same thing won't happen. If he does get a girlfriend or whatever else, he'll make sure to keep that separate, you know, to where he can really dedicate an 8 to 5, 8 to 6 kind of hours for the company so that he can make money. You know, that's at the end of the day, money is important. It's not the most important thing in the world. Obviously, the love of money, you know, is equal. But money itself is not evil because it's necessary. Right. Everybody needs money to live, you know, to buy the things that you need. Buy some things that you want. You know, some money is necessary. And that's what he's a young guy. So he's realizing that even more because he's on his own. You know, he's still young. He's only a couple of years, maybe even a year older than my oldest kid.
So, you know, still a kid. But hopefully that'll work out good and I'm excited to have him back. But definitely on the ramp up stage, you know, you know, my job in the company is strictly marketing vision of the company where we want to go, how we're going to get there. So that's my goal is to still drive in tons and tons of leads, right? Because, you know, now I'll have four acquisition managers at that point, so I've got to bring more leads in. So that's on me and I'm going to make that happen because literally we should you know, my goal is to have each acquisition manager at least get 1 to 2 deals every single week, and they should be able to do that with the amount of leads even without even increasing the lead flow. Just from follow up itself. You know, I've got one acquisition manager that's been with me the longest. She typically does a deal a week and she's part time. She's a little less than part time, but typically still outperforms everyone else because she's a follow up boss, that this whole game is follow up. And that's what I was explaining to some other people, you know, and that's why I was successful in my sales career throughout the years is I can fit a ton of things, all a small amount of time, right? I can do a week's worth of work in a few hours that most people can't do.
And that's what I think. Ashley, my acquisition manager, I think that's one of her attributes as well. You know, she might can follow up with 50 or 60 people in a one and a half hour timespan, whereas it might take someone else the entire day or two days sometimes to do that. But that's why she is successful and can get a lot done. So if everybody can have the mindset, anybody can do that, by the way. It just takes the discipline and actually working when you're when you're actually supposed to be working and not just browsing through things, you know, let me look into this more. You know what I mean? You're thinking about, oh, should I call them now or I mean, there's no thinking. You just dial, right? Just dial the phone, talk to the seller. You might get a deal as soon as you hang up the next seller or text them. Do both. We like to always call first follow up with the text right afterwards. Right. And pro tip when you get a brand new lead, you know, I tell my people, like call them three times in a row because a lot of times don't answer the first time. The hardest part is to get a hold of the seller. Right. But call them three times in a row, because typically these are older people that we're dealing with.
So maybe they went to the bathroom, maybe they have a landline and they sat it down in the other room. They couldn't get to it in time. Maybe the phone is downstairs and they just walked up to their bedroom. You know, whatever the case is, call them three times in a row, because usually they're going to answer the third time because they had time to actually get to their phone again. Plus, follow up with the text. Not only that, call them again 30 minutes later or maybe an hour later or every 30 minutes to an hour, for that matter. That's what I would do. That's what I did when I did acquisitions. So I would hound people death until I got ahold of them. So that's. That's what it takes. That's. That's the point. I guess you gotta be willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done. So calling somebody one time, obviously, is not everything you can do, right? So anyways, so it's going to be a good quarter. We came off of our worst first quarter ever. I've been doing this for four years, the worst first quarter. I explained that simply because we have people down and out in November and December and what you do today does affect 30, 60, 90 days from now. So that's why I plan this TV and the CO com company really about 60 to 90 days ago and now it's coming to fruition.
So we're starting to get deals from that and now those deals are going to come to fruition 30, 60, 90 days from now. So second quarter is going to be really good. But now preparing today, again, still for tomorrow, bringing more leads in, you know, because, you know, I don't want to bring in my goal is to bring in 60 to 100 brand new qualified leads every week. Now, obviously, you know, people talk about, oh, you can bring in a whole lot, you know, sure, I can bring in 1000 leads a week and most of which would be trash and it would waste my acquisition manager's time. But my goal is to bring in quality leads pre qualified, already ready to go. Basically, they're definitely interested in some form or fashion, right? So my goal is to bring 60 to 100 of those. And lately, you know, we haven't been doing all the marketing because we're doing so much more expensive things. So but we've still been at 40 to 50 a week lately, but I need to ramp that up because we've got another guy starting. So we definitely got to hit the 60 mark because that's plenty with four people and one of which is super part time. Part time 60 is plenty, you know, especially with follow up and everything else. So nevertheless and other topics, I'm hoping to go snowboarding in the next couple of days.
It's pretty cold here in Colorado. The mountains are getting snow still. It's late in the season, so definitely want to hit it one more time. I don't know why that just came into my head, but just let you know. That's why it's a long day, right? Just talk about whatever. But you know, I love snowboarding just to get out in a way, clear your mind and just go have fun for a day. But I definitely want to go one more time, at least maybe to before the before all the resorts close and some of them close in of April, some of them even early May. It depends on what kind of snow comes in, but probably in the next couple of days. And also, I might be driving to Oklahoma in the next week or two possibly. You know, I always go for multiple reasons. Of course, I have the new guy that's not so new starting back. And I was going to give him my old computer because he doesn't have one right now. And so that would give me a reason to drive down. But also I want to see my kids. Right. My kids are in college there and I do have two I have three flips going right now there. So it's always nice to check on those because I rarely get to see a lot of the houses, at least not very often if I do it all.
And one really cool thing is we just sold a property, we listed it on Friday. So this is just this past Friday. We listed it had two showings that same day, so literally didn't get on to like 4:30 p.m.. You know, we actually had showings within 2 hours, the same day, two different showings. So that very first showing sent us a full price offer Saturday morning, didn't ask for contingencies, no special needs of any kind. You know, a lot of people will ask, give me closing costs or something like that and ask for anything full price, full ask. And, you know, we stand to make 60 grand or so on that deal and that's after all, expenses. So that's what's cool is, you know, those big paydays are kind of cool on those flips. You know, I do wholesaling because it gives me the quick cash, consistent money to pay bills, pay people, but those bigger paychecks are always nice. And what's cool is that 60,000 is profit that the team will get paid on. But what's also cool is I fund these deals out of my pocket, so it almost will feel like even more because you probably get more like whatever 90 grand back because I funded the rehab out of pocket. So it kind of feels like more profit even though it's not, it's still 60, but it's cool to get repaid when I've put into it as well. So anyways, that's pretty exciting.
But you know, I've had friends, you know, higher level friends of mine. Tell me that eventually they'll kind of merge out or transition out of wholesaling once they get enough multifamily or once they do this or do that. Right. And I'm always it always baffles me. Like, I'll never stop wholesaling because why would you stop your cash kill? What brings the quick money, the consistent money and feeds a lot of people like on your team. Why would you stop that if it's working, especially when you have it all set up to where it's kind of working on its own? Sure, I do. The marketing still that most of the marketing these days is kind of set it and forget it, but it doesn't make sense for me to ever stop that, even if I had a few thousand units or and I don't ever have to work again, you know, that's great. But I still want to, you know, why would you stop doing that? So anyways, so the wholesaling is always good for the quick consistent cash, but flips are always nice to have those bigger paydays and rentals are always nice to have that forever money. So that's why I choose to do them all, and I probably always will. So anyways, that's really all I got for you all today. Thanks for tuning in. I appreciate you guys. Please like share subscribe. Check out my other videos if you haven't already. I appreciate you and I'll see you next time.