Condition Matters! 👈 | Wholesaling Real Estate

August 31, 2024

The condition sometimes matters too, because I flip houses also and I buy and hold for rentals as well. But I don't want any part of a full blown renovation. I don't do them and I don't want to do them. So there's people out there too. If your list only pertains to buy and hold people, then it's probably harder to sell it.

Why Location Matters in Real Estate? 🤔 | Wholesaling Real Estate

August 30, 2024

Let's talk about location. Obviously, if it's a small little town in Potok, feel that there's no real buyers there. I don't care if you got $100,000 house for $10,000, you probably can't sell that for 15 to 20.

Dispose Or NOT!❓| Wholesaling Real Estate

August 29, 2024

There's a lot of things that come into play with these deals. Location has a big thing to do with it. The condition of the property has a big thing to do with it, and then just your price has a has a big thing to do with your being able to dispose or not.

It's Easier! 👍 | Wholesaling Real Estate

August 28, 2024

So disposition wise, I would say it's kind of the same if you actually have a system in place to where it's easier for your disposition manager to sell deals, then that's ideal.

What Is Acquisition Doing! 🤔 | Wholesaling Real Estate

August 27, 2024

And all they literally have to do is answer phone calls, return phone calls, and do follow up phone calls and just negotiate with sellers all day long and get contracts signed. That's really it.

Make A Wholesale Fee! 💵 | Wholesaling Real Estate

August 26, 2024

Acquisitions is important because they have to know how to buy right buy deep to where you can actually make a wholesale fee. But also their job is a little bit easier when you have a system in place like mine.

You Wouldn't Have A Deal! 🤝 | Wholesaling Real Estate

August 25, 2024

Trust me, it all starts with buying the house. That's where you make your money. And without acquisitions, you wouldn't have a deal. Right. But at the same time, what good is having ten, 15, 20, 30 deals on your board or in your system if you can't sell them?

System In Place! ⚙️ | Wholesaling Real Estate

August 24, 2024

If you have a machine in a system in place where leads are just coming in all the time and all your acquisition manager has to do is answer the phone and talk to sellers all day and then try to negotiate and make deals. Then I would say if you have that system in place, that that is a little bit easier than dispositions.

What Is More Important! 🤔 | Wholesaling Real Estate

August 23, 2024

So what do you think is more important in wholesaling real estate in this business in general? Is the acquisitions or dispositions? And I don't really know the answer because they're both really, really, really important.

Help Them As A Leader! 😇 | Wholesaling Real Estate

August 22, 2024

Have ongoing training with them. Stay in communication. Help them out when they need to, you know, because it's not just like after you finish that, you can't just leave them alone. They're still going to struggle along the way and you're going to be there to help them as as a leader.

Setting Them Up To Fail! 🙅‍♂️ | Wholesaling Real Estate

August 21, 2024

But if you don't do those things, you're really setting them up to fail. And trust me, I've been there. I'm trying to teach you things that I've learned along the way that I filled out originally. So now I learned these things. And now that's what I do now.

I Have 5 Cold Callers! 🤳 | Wholesaling Real Estate

August 20, 2024

I have 5 cold callers and one of them is the manager over the other 4 she calls herself, but she also manages the other 4 people. She's the only one who answers to me because she's handling all of them.

You Got To Be A Pro! 🧑‍🎓 | Wholesaling Real Estate

August 19, 2024

You got to be a pro f1st and then detail it out on a PDF. Make an instructional video of how to do it. Number 4 is a live training on exactly what to do.

Show Them Live! 🔴 | Wholesaling Real Estate

August 18, 2024

Everything you taught on the instructional video. Now you're showing them live like, here's how it's actually done. Watch me do it live. And you're actually talking to sellers so they know exactly how to do it.

Training Them! 💪 | Wholesaling Real Estate

August 17, 2024

Be a master at whatever it is you're hiring for. Document that on a PDF, a detailed step by step video showing them step by step of exactly what you're doing. Show them Live you prove that you're a master, so you're training them.

Make A Flowchart! 👈 | Wholesaling Real Estate

August 16, 2024

Documented on a PDF to where it's easy to follow. Maybe even make a flowchart. Do your self recording exactly what you told him on the flow chart that you built up.

Master At It! 💪 | Wholesaling Real Estate

August 15, 2024

Send your employees up for success. You've got your detailed information. So first of all, let's back up. You've done it yourself and you're a master at it. So now you are qualified to teach it to an employer, right?

This Is Super Important! 👈 | Wholesaling Real Estate

August 14, 2024

So step by step documentation is super important, but equally or even more important now, don't skip the first step. You know, document. But equally or even more important is recording a video.

Think Like A Kindergartner! 🧒| Wholesaling Real Estate

August 13, 2024

You got to think like a kindergartner. Like, how would you explain this to a kindergartner that's never, ever seen this or heard of this or done this in any way, shape or form. That's the first thing document every single step that you do.

Once You Master That Skill! 🎓 | Wholesaling Real Estate

August 12, 2024

But once you master that skill, let's say you want to hire out for a cold caller now what you want to do is document everything that you do every single step, even if it seems super minor and might new.

Cold Callers! ☎️ | Wholesaling Real Estate

August 11, 2024

When I hired Cold Callers. I mean, my Cold Callers had master's degrees. They're all proficient in their field, meaning most of them have years of Cold Calling experience in different industries Cold Calling.

The Biggest Part! 💪 | Wholesaling Real Estate

August 10, 2024

The biggest part to me as far as setting your employees up for success is actually having some kind of training curriculum in place.

Become A Master! 🧠 | Wholesaling Real Estate

August 09, 2024

So if you're trying to hire somebody out to scrub your lists or pull all properties from the county or whatever the case is, you've got to go through yourself, do all those things yourself, become a master at it.

Employees Up For Success! 💪|Wholesaling Real State

August 08, 2024

How do you set your employees up for success? So first of all, like I already said, you have to master all these different duties that you're trying to hire.

It's Not Easy! 👈 | Wholesaling Real Estate

August 07, 2024

Wholesaling real estate in general. The concept is super simple, right? But everybody knows if you're in the game or if you're thinking about it, it's definitely not easy. There's a lot of moving parts in wholesaling real estate.

You Can't Skip! 🚫 | Wholesaling Real Estate

August 06, 2024

You can't skip all the steps to go straight there. You have to put in the work, put in the time to master all the other skills it takes to get this business going.

Try As Good As You Can! 💪 | Wholesaling Real Estate

August 05, 2024

Whatever you're doing in your business, obviously you want to try as good as you can to focus your time and efforts on, you know, revenue generating activities.

How To Train! 🤷‍♂️ | Wholesaling Real Estate

August 04, 2024

If you're hiring cold callers and you've never done that yourself, how are you going to train somebody to do that?

Be A Master! 🧑‍🎓| Wholesaling Real Estate

August 03, 2024

If you're trying to hold cold callers, I hope you have that mastered. So before you ever hire a cold call or you want to be a master on the phone, how to talk to sellers properly.

Work Yourself! 🙋‍♂️ | Wholesaling Real Estate

August 02, 2024

If you're wanting to get into the wholesaling game, obviously over time you're going to want to have employees. But before you ever hire any employees, you've got to go through the work yourself.

Employees Up for Success! 👍 | Wholesaling Real Estate

August 01, 2024

So if you're hiring for a wholesale in real estate positions, make sure you set your employees up for success.

Why Stop It! 🤷‍♂️ | Wholesaling Real Estate

July 31, 2024

I love wholesaling too, because when I need cash, we'll do wholesale a bunch of those off so we can start building our cash up and that cash pays for everything else I want to do. So why stop it?

Great Way To Get Started! 💪 | Wholesaling Real Estate

July 30, 2024

Wholesaling. Obviously it's a it's a lowest entry, a barrier in my opinion, to get started in the real estate. So it's a great way to get started.

I Get Better Deals! 🤝 | Wholesaling Real Estate

July 29, 2024

Why would I stop sourcing my own deals, which is ultimately what wholesaling is? You're sourcing your own deals because when I source my own deals, I get better deals on rentals and I keep I get better deals on flips and I'm flipping as opposed to paying a wholesaler fee.

My Passive Income! 💵| Wholesaling Real Estate

July 28, 2024

Having a property manager would be a nightmare because I would have to have ten property managers. So that's why I choose to do, you know, rent to own for my passive income. And I still do own the properties that it's rent to own and they get the deed when they pay them off.

True Passive Income! 🤑 | Wholesaling Real Estate

July 27, 2024

You can still do something else, but still make that a couple hundred thousand a month. So that's kind of what I want to do and that's my goal. You know, just things that are true passive income is kind of my goal.

Why Would You Stop That! 🤷‍♂️| Wholesaling Real Estate

July 26, 2024

If you've got an ATM literally spitting out cash once you have the formula systems, processes, people in place to be able to handle those leads 100% soon, that marketing is going to be your cash. Why would you stop doing that?

Keep Your ATM Rolling! 💪 | Wholesaling Real Estate

July 25, 2024

Well I'm going to merge into apartments or mobile homes or storage units or whatever it is. They're going to merge into that and stop wholesaling. But I'm like, why not merge into those things to build your long term wealth and have that going but still keep your ATM rolling as well?

My Ultimate Goal! 😇 | Wholesaling Real Estate

July 24, 2024

So whether that's been a landlord with a bunch of rentals or just having a bunch of properties on rent to own, or if that's owning mobile home parks, or maybe you go into apartments or whatever it might be, passive income is my ultimate goal.

Passive Income! 🤑 | Wholesale Real Estate

July 23, 2024

What I do with that cash is build long term wealth for cash flow. And that's really the ultimate goal for me is to have some passive income.

Own A Wholesaling Company! 🏢 | Wholesaling Real Estate

July 22, 2024

Because we have people in place. I don't ever see a reason of ever stopping wholesaling like I have one friend that I don't necessarily want to be doing it personally, but I want to own wholesaling company when I'm 60 for sure.

Get To The Closing Table! 👈 | Wholesaling Real Estate

July 21, 2024

The acquisition managers that get the deals for us. They've got a transaction coordinator that coordinates everything with the title company buyer or seller attorneys, anything involved in between making sure we get to the closing table disposition manager that actually sells those deals to cash buyers.

Overseeing Everything! 👀 | Wholesaling Real Estate

July 20, 2024

Me as a CEO and business owner, I'm not really in the day to day grind of all the actual positions within the company. So I'm really just kind of overseeing everything and running the company.

I'll Never Stop! 🙅‍♂️ | Wholesaling Real Estate

July 19, 2024

Sending out the marketing, you're going to get cash back. And that's just a no brainer. That's how it works. I love the ATM aspect of this business for sure. My opinion is on it. I'll never stop wholesaling real estate.

It's Like An ATM! 🤑 | Wholesaling Real Estate

July 18, 2024

It's wholesaling real estate. You know the end game or should it be the end game? You know, in my opinion is obviously wholesaling real estate is awesome. It's literally like an ATM.

It Changed My Life! 😇 | Wholesaling Real Estate

July 17, 2024

I found wholesaling real estate, changed my life, found out that, hey, I can build some systems and processes around this business and make it easier to train actual people to do specific jobs within the business.

Consistent Deals! 🔄 | Wholesaling Real Estate

July 16, 2024

But whatever, whatever you decide to do, make sure you're consistent because that is the key to this game. Consistency over time means consistent deals over time as well. 

The Easiest Way! 💪 | Wholesaling Real Estate

July 15, 2024

So you got your list. You compiled the list in the Excel format and those 10 columns. Then you skipped trace the list and you start marketing the list. Is that how you get started? The easiest way in wholesaling real estate.

Ringless Voice Mail! 🔊 | Wholesaling Real Estate

July 14, 2024

And also you can the RVMs. Ringless Voice Mail is an RVM. So what that is, is it will ring their phone and actually bypasses the ringer goes directly in your voicemail. You've gotten these calls many times. All of a sudden you look on your phone and see you have a voicemail that was a RVM. your phone never rang.

Ready To Answer! 📞 | Wholesaling Real Estate

July 13, 2024

You know, cold calling, obviously is the cheapest but SMS and RVM are super cheap. So you can actually upload your list into an SMS platform like leadshark. There's a couple of others out there, but you can upload that list to where it text blast everybody at once, but be ready to answer those text messages and start replying and having conversations with people.