ARV Is What Gets You Paid! 💪 | Wholesaling Real Estate
May 22, 2024

ARV ultimately is what gets you paid. So if you get the ARV wrong, everything else that you do will most likely be incorrect. And you probably won't be able to make money on that deal.
Make Money When BUY! 💵 | Wholesaling Real Estate
May 21, 2024

You make your money when you buy, not when you sell. I'm sure you've heard it before, and it's so true, especially in wholesaling real estate, to know how you buy something at the right price. You got to know your ARV.
Real Estate Is Awesome! 🤑 | Wholesaling Real Estate
May 20, 2024

16.5% total return as $20,594 per deal. Almost $21,000 per deal to do. Real estate is pretty awesome. I'm happy with it.
10 Deals From 1 Marketing Channel! 🤝| Wholesaling Real Estate
May 19, 2024

Facebook. So we actually did 10 deals during last quarter that brought in $238,557 and we only spent $8,195 on that. That's a 29% return. I mean, that's huge for one marketing channel.
$84,250 From Cold Calling! ☎️ | Wholesaling Real Estate
May 18, 2024

Cold calling that brought in $84,250. We spent $6,400 bucks to bring in $84,250. That's a 13% return, which is super solid.
40.47% Return! 😱 | Wholesaling Real Estate
May 17, 2024

Radio, We actually did four deals. We actually brought in $145,700. We actually spin on that for $3600 to bring in $145K. I mean, that's pretty huge. That is a 40.47% return.
It's A 1%! ⚠️ | Wholesaling Real Estate
May 16, 2024

We did $11,500 in pay per click and the return wasn't great. It's $10,006 spend to get that 11,500. It's a 1%. It's less than 1%. You know, to be honest.
Got $20,000! 💪 | Wholesaling Real Estate
May 15, 2024

So we did 2 deals with RVM for a total $20,000. It was two different deals that were $10 grand apiece. We only spent $2,016 on that. That's a 10% ROI as well.
$22,000 From One Deal! 🤑 | Wholesaling Real Estate
May 14, 2024

We only did 1 deal from JV and last quarter we only got $3,000 for that. So obviously as a $6,000 assignment fee super tiny deal. You know, JV didn't cost us anything. We split the deal and JV I mean that's infinite return as well, right?
Infinite Return! ☑️ | Wholesaling Real Estate
May 13, 2024

We only did 1 deal from JV and last quarter we only got $3,000 for that. So obviously as a $6,000 assignment fee super tiny deal. You know, JV didn't cost us anything. We split the deal and JV I mean that's infinite return as well, right?
$10,000 From $0! 🤑 | Wholesaling Real Estate
May 12, 2024

You want to see the return that I actually got in my marketing efforts for Q2, for my wholesaling real estate business, we had 1 referral and that actually brought us $10,000 in revenue, which is awesome. And that spend, That was $0. Obviously, a referral is free.
You Can Get There! 👍 | Wholesaling Real Estate
May 11, 2024

You know, I completely love real estate. Everything about it. You can make money in so many different ways in real estate. So you just got to keep doing that push forward. Go for your goals. Let go of whatever is holding you back so you can get there.
6 Figure To 7 Figure! 🤑 | Wholesaling Real Estate
May 10, 2024

Stepping away from multiple 6 figure income to potentially grow something that I could do 7 figure income with. It wasn't advertising anymore. Now it was houses and real estate. So that's what I went all in on because I believed in my skills already.
Take The Steps! 👣 | Wholesaling Real Estate
May 09, 2024

How you actually get to the next level. You got to believe it first and then take the steps to achieve it, whatever those steps are. Something that you're holding onto that you've got to let go to kind of move to that next level.
Let It GO! |😇 Wholesaling Real Estate
May 08, 2024

What is holding you back from betting on yourself? You definitely got to go all in on it, in my opinion, because that's what's really going to catapult you to the next level. Whether you're doing zero deals right now or you're doing one or two deals a month, go all in on it. Whatever. It's holding you back. Let it go.
I Found Something Better! 🙋‍♂️ | Wholesaling Real Estate
May 07, 2024

I found something else that I wanted to do that was better. I believed in it right away. I didn't even really need that first paycheck for proof of concept because I'd already seen other people just watching YouTube videos, seeing proof of other people making checks, doing it. So I knew if they could do it, they're not any better than I am, so I can do it right.
Move Away From It! 🏃 | Wholesaling Real Estate
May 06, 2024

Is there something in your life holding you back that can be a person, some vice, that you have an addiction, You know, maybe it's your job. Maybe it's someone in your family member, whatever it is. You got to block all that out, move away from it, and kind of pursue your dreams.
Replace Your Income! | 🤑 Wholesaling Real Estate
May 05, 2024

1 deal every quarter. That's 4 deals a year. 4 deals a year can change your life. 4 deals a year in most people's lives can replace your regular W-2 income.
Something's Holding You Back! 👈 | Wholesaling Real Estate
May 04, 2024

Something's holding you back to get you over the hump or to get you to where you want to go or to get to that next level. And that level can be anything, you know, but you're at zero and you want to just do one deal a month, or maybe you want to do one deal a quarter.
Get To The Next Level! 👍 | Wholesaling Real Estate
May 03, 2024

How you can actually get to the next level. I'm not I'm not here to tell you, you know, to quit your job or to do anything like that. Don't do anything rash. Of course.
Hire Somebody Else! 🤷‍♂️ | Wholesaling Real Estate
May 02, 2024

When you're not good at one thing, hire somebody else that's good at that thing that you're not good at. Right. And just stick to what you do best. And I do have a marketing background, so you know, it is what it is. You know, I'm not scared to say that, you know, if you're not really good at one thing, hire somebody else that's good at it. You know, that's better than you.
26 Deals Closed! 🤝 | Wholesaling Real Estate
May 01, 2024

10 Facebook deals, 5 cold calling deals, 4 radio deals, 2 pay per click deals, 2 RVMS, 1 SMS, 1 JV and 1 referral. All in all, 26 deals closed. Not too bad.
Marketing Channels We Used 8️⃣ | Wholesaling Real Estate
April 30, 2024

The marketing channels that we have used and which ones actually work. Our number 1 marketing channel is Facebook. We do so nationwide. We do pay per click and Facebook ads consistently.
Marketing Channels We Used 7️⃣ | Wholesaling Real Estate
April 29, 2024

Anyways with 5 deals, cold calling and I was surprised when I saw this number. I actually thought cold calling would be, you know, this 1 or 2 range, you know. But when I looked back and pulled a quarter of the report, we actually closed 5 deals with cold calls. So I'm really happy about that.
Marketing Channels We Used 6️⃣ | Wholesaling Real Estate
April 28, 2024

The marketing channels that we have used and which ones actually work. Another lead source that we did 2 deals from is Pay Per Click and Google AdWords. Basically Google, Bing, Yahoo, all that, but you're paying for the clicks.
Marketing Channels We Used 5️⃣ | Wholesaling Real Estate
April 27, 2024

The marketing channels that we have used and which ones actually work. Another lead source that we did 2 deals from is Pay Per Click and Google AdWords. Basically Google, Bing, Yahoo, all that, but you're paying for the clicks.
Marketing Channels We Used 4️⃣ | Wholesaling Real Estate
April 26, 2024

The marketing channels that we have used and which ones actually work come in with 2 deals closed was RVM we did 2 deals and quarter 2 with RVM as a marketing channel.
Marketing Channels We Used 3️⃣ | Wholesaling Real Estate
April 25, 2024

The marketing channels that we have used and which ones actually work. The last one that comes in with only one deal closed was SMS Leeds. It's cheap enough to where I feel like it's still beneficial.
Marketing Channels We Used 2️⃣ | Wholesaling Real Estate
April 24, 2024

The marketing channels that we have used and which ones actually work. Let's go to the next one. All right. JV. So JV deals. We only did one that we closed.
Marketing Channels We Used #1| 📢 Wholesaling Real Estate
April 23, 2024

The marketing channels that we have used and which ones actually work. Bottom one is referrals. So referrals, we did one deal.
It Works For You! 💪 | Wholesaling Real Estate
April 22, 2024

The 5th and final is once you get that final number. Never give them an exact figure like this is the max we can do. Hopefully it works for you. But if not, I understand, you know.
The Lowest Cash Comps! 🤑 | Wholesaling Real Estate
April 21, 2024

When we're giving offers, we have propsstream pulled up. We've got the county assessor pulled up, sometimes Zillow pulled up, but we're just looking at the lowest cash comps in the area and we're stating facts of the neighborhood that's in.
That's What We Do! 🙋‍♂️ | Wholesaling Real Estate
April 20, 2024

So the fourth thing is try to get an offer from them. But if you can't, you want to anchor low obviously, just by stating the facts in the neighborhood. So that's what we do.
Figure Out The MAO! 💪 | Wholesaling Real Estate
April 19, 2024

3rd thing you got to do is you got to figure in your max allowable offer your MAO. After you figure out what your maximum allowable offer is, you know, that's the key because you have to have the ARV first.
Get The Facts Of The Home! 🏠| Wholesaling Real Estate
April 18, 2024

Number 2 is get the facts of the home. Obviously, we have to know about the property. You know, like the roof, the foundation, HVAC, the electric, plumbing.
Get The Seller Talking About Themselves! 🤳 | Wholesaling Real Estate
April 17, 2024

You want to get the seller talking about themselves because people like to talk about themselves more than anything else. And then that way you can use that for fuel. As you close towards the end of the conversation. Then, you know, you can tell them about what you offer.
1st Thing When Negotiating! 👈 | Wholesaling Real Estate
April 16, 2024

You want to know the 5 steps that my team uses to help negotiate when we are negotiating deals with sellers? The 1st thing is talk about the seller, not you.
You're Gonna Be Successful! 💪| Wholesaling Real Estate
April 15, 2024

And the number 3 is how often are you saying it after this many, many videos and many times over? Because follow up is everything. So if you can do that, then you're going to be successful.
Get All The Key! 🔑 | Wholesaling Real Estate
April 14, 2024

Number 2 is what are you saying and how are you saying it? Make sure you have the right message. Get all the key.
Get To The Next Level! 💪 | Wholesaling Real Estate
April 13, 2024

3 ways that'll help you get to the next level and help you close more deals. The number 1 is who are you talking to? Make sure you weed out the car tire kickers, weed out the people that aren't doing business with you today and focus on the ones that are ready to go.
Drip Campaigns Forever! 👍 | Wholesaling Real Estate
April 12, 2024

Like we'll keep people on our drip campaigns forever and ever until they either flat out curses out and say, I'll never sell to you, or until we get the deal. That's it.
Why Do Marketing! 🤷‍♂️ Wholesaling Real Estate
April 11, 2024

And if you're doing all the marketing, spend all the money on the marketing to bring in the sales and you don't do the follow up, then it's like, why did you do all this marketing and spend all this money? If you're not even going to actually work the leads more than 2 or 3 times.
Business Is Sales! 🤝 | Wholesaling Real Estate
April 10, 2024

Sales is sales, you know, follow up is everything in sales. And if you really think about it, every business is sales, because without sales, there wouldn't be business. You've got to do marketing.
$10,000 Payday! 🤑 | Wholesaling Real Estate
April 09, 2024

You should think about different ways to communicate. Texting, RVM, cold call, email, direct mail letter, Facebook message. I mean, however you can reach these people. You should think about you have a $10,000 payday come in if you can actually reach these people and get a deal with them.
Wholesaling Is No Different! 🙄 | Wholesaling Real Estate
April 08, 2024

So wholesaling is no different. This is a seller's business, so you have to follow up constantly all the time, often in different ways, different approaches, different times of day.
How You Get Deals! 🤝 | Wholesaling Real Estate
April 07, 2024

Most follow up is only done 2 or 3 times and then they quit, you know, and that's just not a reality of how you get deals and that it takes 12 to 15 touches before you actually can get a sale.
You're Already Ahead! 💪 | Wholesaling Real Estate
April 06, 2024

If you can follow up more than a few times, like 10 to 15 times, even then, you're already ahead of probably 90% of the other people out there trying to do wholesaling. That's just the way it is in all sales.
You're Not The Only Wholesaler! ❎ | Wholesaling Real Estate
April 05, 2024

Sometimes we even do yellow letters if it's super hot, motivated, top of the league. But we have to be top of mind because remember, you're not the only wholesaler out there after these same leads. There's a ton of us out there.
They Are Not In A Hurry! 🤷‍♂️ | Wholesaling Real Estate
April 04, 2024

People might be motivated and yes, they might want to sell and they do want an offer, but their timeline, they're not trusting. They're not in a hurry. You have to be top of mind. And the way you do that is constant follow up.
They're Not Ready Right Now! 🙅‍♂️ | Wholesaling Real Estate
April 03, 2024

Just how often are you saying it? Follow up is key. Okay. Sure. You might have said all the right things and asked all the right questions, but they're not ready right now. Did you continue following up with them?