Graylan Stewart | Wholesaling Real Estate BlogΒ πŸ‘‡

Thinking About Airbnb! πŸ€”| Wholesaling Real Estate

February 9, 2025

And I would do Airbnb because we already have all the stuff. And I still have tons of things from my Airbnbs in Oklahoma. Um, as far as sheets go, matchup protectors, you know, all those kind of things. The little soaps, you know, all of it. The whole nine. I've got all of that stuff still in storage. Um, so we could keep the asset at that point and just let it cash flow forever. And it's going to appreciate. And that's one more thing that's going to help us not pay taxes, because the depreciation that you can write off.Β 

Should I Sell My House? 🏠| Wholesaling Real Estate

February 8, 2025

Drop your comments because I'm, I'm seriously asking this and wanting feedback. Um, because it seems to me like the smart thing might be to keep this house right. Obviously, she wants to take advantage of the market because it's super hot, hasn't been this hot in forever, which is really strange, right? Um, but at the same time, if we can get more than asking for a house, why wouldn't we do that? And we've lived here for five years, so there's. You know, you don't have to worry about the two years or less, you know, capital gains or whatever it is. I don't even know all those rules, to be honest. But I know that you wouldn't have to do a 1031 exchange because you don't have to worry about that because we've lived in it for more than two years anyways. So my point is, should I sell it? We're done with the house. We get all that cash. Some of it will put on some down payment, some of it I guess by other investments or whatever it is. But then we don't have the house anymore.Β 

So Much Potential! 🀩| Wholesaling Real Estate

February 7, 2025

So anyways, I started thinking like we could Airbnb this house. We wouldn't even have to furnish it. I mean, this is my office down here. I'm in the basement, which is technically, it's like a movie room. Slash game room slash my office. Right? So it's got it's a huge room. Um, but it's all kind of different sections, like the game room section over there. I've got the movie room section over here. And then this whole corner is kind of just my office area in this house, but nevertheless, like the desk I'm using right now, the desk back there, even those computers like this. Two couches in here. Uh, the entertainment center. Our air hockey table. You know, uh, you know, all the stuff hanging on the walls, the posters and the decor and all that. And we're not keeping any of it. Um, we bought new bedroom set for our bed. We bought two new bedroom sets for the extra bedrooms. Um, so it's like we have all this furniture. We even bought a new dining room set. I mean, everything, we could literally keep all the furniture in this house here because we would have to sell it anyways.Β 

Keep Or Sell? πŸ€”| Wholesaling Real Estate

February 6, 2025

So my point is, if I kept it, we get the cash that she wanted. I'd have another asset that's still going to appreciate. And we get to depreciate it right off the taxes. Um, and uh, it's going to cash flow like crazy and we own it, you know, forever. Or we can just go ahead and sell it, pay the taxes on the big lump sum we're going to get from selling it, and then we don't own it anymore. So what do y'all think? What do y'all think is better? Uh, I'm really contemplating this because obviously she wants to do, you know, just get rid of it and be done with it. But it's a great house. It's super nice. It's not some giant fancy house, but it's, you know, roughly 3000ftΒ². It's got a wood deck on the back. It's got a full finished basement, which is where I'm at now. Um, so it's three levels. You know, because it's got a first level, second level and basement. Super nice house in every way. And, you know, we built it brand new, so it's perfect. Pristine. And I'm typically a neat freak.Β 

Cash Flow Dreams! πŸ€‘| Wholesaling Real Estate

February 5, 2025

And it's all it's all us either way. But technically speaking, my company would own it. Um, I could get a mortgage on it for 80% of the value, um, and still have close to $100,000 worth of equity into the property. Then, you know, we pretty much bought everything brand new for this new house. Some of our favorite things and this and that, that we're keeping obviously transferring over to there. But I just started thinking, uh, this house would be a perfect Airbnb, right? This is definitely a sought out area. It's a suburb of Denver, but there's a lot happening in Castle Rock itself as well. Um, worst case scenario, this house could definitely rent for 3000 a month. Um, you know, so we could definitely make several, you know, a couple hundred, a few hundred. I guess 3 or $400 a month in cash flow. But Airbnb wise now, I've had Airbnbs in the past, and if you missed that video, you should check out the video. I think I titled it my Airbnb Nightmare because I actually owned six Airbnbs when the pandemic started, so I don't own those. I own the houses still, but they're all rent to own properties now.Β 

Just Staying Positive! ✨| Wholesaling Real Estate

February 4, 2025

I sold all the furniture. But anyways, since we're buying all new furniture anyways, we got a huge storage unit full of stuff. Um, all the big items. Thank goodness. All the big furniture items, all the furniture stores in Denver mostly have all agreed to just keep it until we move. So we were originally supposed to move into August early September, and here we are, October at this point. But then they kept pushing it back. Now they're telling us early December. So that's just the way it goes. I knew all along. I'm like, I'll just be happy. Forget it by the end of the year. That's just kind of I'm a realist, I guess. I just I knew things get delayed and that's just the way it is. And I'm in this business. I flip houses and they never go. Typically. Hardly ever go on time that you want, right?Β 

Big Decisions Ahead! πŸ‘ˆ| Wholesaling Real Estate

February 3, 2025

So she would still get the money that she wanted. You know, I don't know why she wants it. I think she wants to put it down in the new house, which, uh, we technically still could do that if we wanted to. Um, because then I could just pay myself a bonus from the business, from the cash at refi, so we could still get probably a 100, 150, maybe up to 200 grand on the cash refi. Um, I could pay my business. I could pay myself just a bonus, you know, of however much we could still use that money for part of the down payment if she wants to. Or, um, you know, we're buying hot tubs and everything else, which we already paid for, but, um, so, so technically, my point is this. And drop your comments because I'm, I'm seriously asking this and wanting feedback.Β 

Get Ready For Major Profits! πŸ€‘| Wholesaling Real Estate

February 2, 2025

So the plan was to list this house when we were about 60 days out, because it'll sell in a weekend still. The only difference is now houses are selling 40, 50, 80 to 100 grand over, which is nuts. So technically, we could probably even sell it for way more than the equity that I'm saying we're in. The equity that I say we have right now is kind of just the fair market value right now. But if we sold it, we probably would make more. But my point is, um, we could still get the money out that she wants, but it would be tax free because then my business would own it. Let's say my business bought it from ourselves. And then I put a loan on that property, uh, you know, a cash out refi because I buy it, you know, with technically, uh, I could use cash or hard money or some kind of short term loan or whatever. Uh, and then we refi out of it, Pull all that cash out tax free because it's part of the loan.Β 

Investor Life! πŸ’°| Wholesaling Real Estate

February 1, 2025

But, um, so this house now, I told my wife all along that I preferred to keep it. You know, I mean, I'm an investor. Passive income. You know, uh, real estate is what I do, right? So, um, I wanted to keep it all along. Um, but here's, you know, my wife wanted it. She wanted to get rid of it. Okay? She wanted to sell it. She only wants to own the one house for a personal house, which I agree. Personal house. We only want one house, right? But what I'm proposing to her is I want to actually have my company buy this house from us. Not for retail, of course, but not less than we paid, either. Uh, you know, because we can just pay maybe 20 grand over what we owe on it so that we personally will still make $20,000 on the house. Um, but then my company would own the asset at that point, you know. And it's all it's all us either way.Β 

Building Our Dream Home! 🏑| Wholesaling Real Estate

January 31, 2025

So, now we're actually building a house, um, that really suits our needs as opposed to when we built this house. We really bought it out of necessity. Um, because when we bought this house five years ago, the market was super hot. Uh, I guess almost six years ago, the market was super hot then, kind of like it is now. Um, uh, in Colorado, it's honestly, it's been hot probably for the last seven years or so at least. But, um, in this area, when we are the reason we built the house that we're in is, um, every house that we wanted, that we, you know, we're trying to buy, we kept getting outbid. But the difference was back then, you know, we were getting outbid by 15 to 30,000 over asking every time. Usually the way it worked back then is somebody would list their house on a Friday, They'd have showings on Saturday and Sunday, and then Monday they would decide who they would offer they wanted to take because they would literally have 15 to 20 offers on Monday. Um, so we bid, you know, 15 or 20 grand on every house. And, um, we got outbid every single time because usually they were going for, you know, closer to 30,000 over back then.Β 

Maximize Your Profits! πŸ’ͺ| Wholesaling Real Estate

January 30, 2025

So it's always in perfect condition. Right. Perfectly kept up and everything. Um, so we could sell it for top dollar. Probably more than retail. So instead of 240, we could probably walk away with closer to 300 just because of the way the market is. People are going to pay more than it's even worth, and they pay the difference in cash because they can, which is crazy. Um, so we can do probably let's just say like this 300 in our bank. Pay the taxes. I don't even know what the tax rate would be. Let's just say it's 30%. 300,000 times 30%. That's 90 grand. So we walk away with 210 grand cash, right? Or I keep it. I sell it to my company. Uh, we personally make 20 grand. Then I can refi out of it. We could probably pull out 150, um, tax free compared to the two tens. So, yeah, we're going to walk away with 60 grand less in our pockets, but we still have equity in the house that our business owns that's going to pay us every month forever.Β 

More Rentals More Income! πŸ’΅| Wholesaling Real Estate

January 29, 2025

But then we don't have the house anymore. Or should I keep it? Technically we would have to buy some things to furnish it, but it pretty much ought to be fully furnished because we bought everything new already for the new house. And, um, we get the cash. Not quite as much, but almost the same amount of cash out as we would have. But this time it's tax free. So when you factor that in, we would actually get just as much, or maybe even more because there's no tax on it. Um, but also then we I'd have one more rental that still has equity and it'd be another cash flowing asset. So even if I turn it into a regular rental, we can make three, 4 or 500 bucks a month on a rental. Or I can Airbnb it and probably make four or 5 or 6000 a month as an Airbnb.Β 

Building Equity! πŸ’°| Wholesaling Real Estate

January 28, 2025

So anyway, but now we've got like $240,000 worth of equity in the property itself. Okay. So we're actually building it in their house right now just down the road, literally two blocks down from where we are. Um, obviously, um, it's a lot more expensive house. This house was always a kind of a five year, 5 to 6 year house for us. Um, because if you don't know my story already, I lived in two different states for eight years. I lived in Oklahoma, and I also lived in Colorado for eight years straight, literally on a plane every Sunday going back and forth. So I actually moved here to Colorado full time September of last year, because I was just waiting on my kids to grow up. And, you know, they're both in college now. So that was the main reason that I was going back and forth. I didn't want to leave my kids, but my wife was in Colorado, so I lived in both places. So that gives you a little backstory.Β 

Thinking About The Future! πŸ€”| Wholesaling Real Estate

January 27, 2025

So now the situation is different. We were looking again because, you know, like I said, this house that we built, we built out of necessity because we knew we couldn't get outbid. So we locked our price in. And, you know, back then building was still fairly affordable. Um, so anyways, we have this house now. Um, we've got like 240,000 of equity roughly in this property, a little bit more than that. But, um, so I'm contemplating. So all along I wanted to keep this house. So we're building the new house to fit our needs more. So we actually have extra bedrooms for when the older kids come to visit, or when any friends and family coming to town. We actually have, two extra spare bedrooms now, in addition to a lot of other space that they could, you know, be in.

Believe In Your Dreams! πŸ˜‡| Wholesaling Real Estate

January 26, 2025

What exactly does it mean to be a millionaire? Hey what's up guys? My name is Gralen Stewart. I am a virtual wholesaler and entrepreneur and just overall real estate investor. So I started my real estate journey about three years ago. But all through life, growing up, um, you know, my goal and my dreams and my aspirations and what I told my family and friends, I always knew I would become a millionaire one day. I had no idea what that even really meant. Uh, what they even looked like or how it would get there. Um, but that was always just kind of what I had out there in the universe. And to all my friends and family, you know, so, uh, you know, some people were naysayers and like, yeah, right. You'll never even come close to trying to do something like that. But, you know, I had a few that were in my corner like, yeah, he absolutely will become anything that he wants, you know, just because they believed in me.

Building A Business! πŸ’β€β™‚οΈ| Wholesaling Real Estate

January 25, 2025

But I just didn't have the right vehicle. Um, you know, I was in marketing and I still own a marketing company today, but I thought that would be my vehicle to becoming a millionaire. You know, because my very first year of owning my own business, you know, we did over $500,000 in revenue. And that was ten years ago now. And I was like, yeah, this is definitely it. This is how I'm going to become a millionaire. And what I didn't realize was all I did was have a higher paying job then my corporate job. Right? Um, and technically, it was about the same kind of a job as a corporate. Same amount. Um, because, I mean, I did better than my. I did better my first year in business than my worst than my best year in the corporate world, if that makes sense. Um, so I did do better owning my own business. But, you know, out of 500,000, you know, you're only, uh, in that business, it was about 50% profit margin. So, you know, I brought home probably 250, but, um, but I definitely thought that was my vehicle. That was my millionaire idea.Β 

Real Estate Is The Key! πŸ’ͺ| Wholesaling Real Estate

January 24, 2025

Your net worth is over $1 million, and you're a millionaire. Um, and real estate. It's not hard to become a millionaire quickly. I mean, honestly, I'm not just saying that. Just to say that it's the truth. You know, I always thought. I mean, my whole, like, my whole adult life, um. I just knew something just in me. Just the drive that I have. I knew that I'd always be a millionaire, but I did kind of, um. I didn't meet my actual goal. Okay. Because I always thought I would do it by the time I was 40. You know, um, you know, I was probably, I don't even know, 42 or 3 before I actually became a millionaire. Um, but it was super easy. Once I got into real estate, because I knew I had the skill set and I had the drive and desire, I had all the things that took to do that, to be a millionaire. But I just didn't have the right vehicle.Β 

Dream BIG! πŸ˜‡| Wholesaling Real Estate

January 23, 2025

So I kind of meet two out of those three. And to be honest, I really don't even have to meet that third one. It doesn't really serve me. Uh, it doesn't help grow my money, you know, it doesn't really do much. So therefore, I'm not necessarily even chasing that goal. I'm probably reaching my other goals. I'm just trying to perfect what I'm doing at this point so I can definitely grow bigger. I definitely want to grow my portfolio of homes and, um, and do more and more wholesaling. You know, I sold, I told someone and I even did a video, I think, over this several months ago that my goal is to actually do $1 million per month in wholesaling. Will I ever reach that goal? I don't know, but that's what I'm striving for. So I think it's just important to have big goals out there. Obviously, you want to try to hit the goals that you set, but don't make them so easy that they're easy.Β 

Unlocking The Code To Success! πŸ”‘| Wholesaling Real Estate

January 22, 2025

And that's so true. But then after you figure it out, you crack the code. Uh, and really, it's just the vehicle that's going to get you there, in my opinion. But not only that. It's the systems and processes that that I put in place that was really the difference maker for me. Um, to be able to just kind of jump start that. That's why I said if I knew what I knew, now that I, you know, in the previous seven years, I could definitely build that that marketing company up to multiple six figures now because I know how important systems and processes are. I always knew people were important because you can't run a business without having good people underneath you helping you out. Um, you know, all for the greater cause. But at the same time, I never realized until these last three years that systems and processes are probably more important than anything, because you can plug anybody into these systems and processes, is the point. And if you do that, you know, um, it's so much easier to scale that because you're not just spinning your wheels doing things, you know, manually or training people all the time and that kind of thing.Β 

It's More Than Just Cash! πŸ’΅| Wholesaling Real Estate

January 21, 2025

But so anyways, at the same time, I never really knew, I never really even thought about necessarily what it meant to be a millionaire, you know, because even probably ten years ago, I had really no clue what it thought, what a millionaire really was. I just assumed, uh, well, you make $1 million a year or whatever. You're a millionaire or, uh, well, you got $1 million in the bank, so you're a millionaire. You know, um, I never really looked at it any other way, to be honest. That's really the only two ways in my mind, which I never really thought about it. But thinking back on how I would have thought back then, it would have been like, okay, you got a million bucks in the bank, or you make $1 million a year, so therefore you're a millionaire.Β 

Want To Be A Millionaire! πŸ’°| Wholesaling Real Estate

January 20, 2025

So anyways, so there you go. I have basically I think there's in my eyes, there's probably three ways you can be a millionaire. You got a million bucks in the bank, you got, you make $1 million a year, or you have over $1 million in net worth. And you know, I don't have the million in the bank, and I don't know that I ever would unless I just became Uber rich. Then I probably would, you know, if I was making ten, 15 million every single year, it'd probably be okay to have a million bucks in the year just to have it or in the bank. But I definitely make over a million a year in wholesaling. Um, and definitely have, you know, over $2 million in real estate and just net worth wise.Β 

Investing vs Saving Money! πŸ€‘ | Wholesaling Real Estate

January 18, 2025

But at the same time, when their job stops, so are they so and their money. Um, but then then you think about the person with the million dollars in the bank, um, which would be awesome and great, but at the same time, it's not very smart, if you ask me. Um, you know, a lot of the friends that I hang out with, other entrepreneurs and real estate investors, uh, specifically, um, as soon as, as soon as we have money, we get rid of it, you know, because money technically in the bank, obviously, I'm not saying drain every penny you have in your bank because you obviously want cash reserves to run your business. You want cash reserves in your personal, you know, accounts to just be able to have several months worth of money. In case you need it or whatever. But I'm talking about. Having excess amounts of money in your bank. It's really not smart because really, your money doesn't grow when it's in the bank, right? Um, I mean, a very small these days, especially, um, you're lucky to get, uh, pennies a month from the money just sitting in the bank. But if you invest that money, whether it's stock markets, buying businesses or, uh, real estate like I do, that's much smarter because that's just making your money work for you at that point, as opposed to just your money sitting in the bank or the job you working for the money.Β 

Scaling Is Tough! πŸ‘ˆ | Wholesaling Real Estate

January 17, 2025

And it was just too hard. Uh, it was too hard to scale. But knowing what I know today, and I will say this, I've learned more in the last three years of being in real estate than I did in the previous seven. Owning my own business. Just because a real estate space is so much more information out there. There's so many more go givers out there. Um, and just people out there willing to help you out along the way. Um, and that's the thing you want to seek people out that have what you want and do the things that they're doing so you can get what they have. You know, um, and real estate is no different, but real estate is better because there's just so much information out there on YouTube, like the content that I'm putting out.Β 

Are You A Millionaire? πŸ’β€β™‚οΈ | Wholesaling Real Estate

January 16, 2025

So therefore, if you have $1 million of net worth, then technically you're a millionaire. Um, so, I mean, there is still the mindset out there that people, um, that make $1 million a year, you know, they're bringing in over $83,000 every month. Um, that's a millionaire. And, you know, and that that's probably very true as well, for making $1 million a year, you know, you're probably a millionaire. But the main difference to me is, um, you know, when you have $1 million in net worth, you're actually a true millionaire because you actually have that in assets that are still, um, potentially growing over time. And, um, you know, you could you could not work, uh, one day and they'll still be there. As opposed to more like the cash flow. Millionaire is what you want to call it. Or you could call it to where they're just making $1 million a year because they're cash flowing that every year from their job. You know, um, technically that's probably, uh, considered a millionaire as well. But at the same time, when their job stops, so are they so and their money.Β 

It's All About Net Worth! πŸ’° | Wholesaling Real Estate

January 15, 2025

However, if you actually look it up, um, the true definition of a millionaire, I don't know it word by word, But I looked it up, you know, and it's really, um, based on your net worth and your net worth, what that means is whatever assets you have and then whatever you owe on those assets, the difference is your net worth. So therefore, if you have $1 million of net worth, then technically you're a millionaire.Β 

Don't Let Time Slip Away! πŸ™…β€β™‚οΈ | Wholesaling Real Estate

January 13, 2025

You can move your schedule, or you have more leverage against your boss to have a better schedule to where maybe you have 2 or 3 hours a week now. You know, the point is, take action today because tomorrow will come for you if you do otherwise, just keep thinking about it. Keep working on it. notify keep trading time for money and never really get ahead in life because tomorrow will never come for you.Β 

Take Action Today! πŸ‘ˆ | Wholesaling Real Estate

January 12, 2025

That's just the fact of it all. So anyways, the point of this video is to let you know you like tomorrow is not guaranteed. Obviously we know that. But not only that, um, tomorrow never comes if you don't start. So the biggest thing that you got to do is take action. There's nothing more important in business in general than action. And not just action, but consistent action. I don't care if you only have an hour a week, three days a week. Dedicate yourself to do that one hour a week, three days a week, consistently. And there's no way that you won't end up making something of that that will eventually pay off for you because you took consistent action during those three hours a week, and eventually, you know you'll start making money to where hopefully it replaces your income.Β 

Keep Pushing Forward! πŸ’β€β™‚οΈ | Wholesaling Real Estate

January 11, 2025

And the point is, is taking action. I've said this in multiple of my videos that action is more important than anything, because you can kind of stumble your way through things and figure things out along the way. So, you know, a lot of people, a lot of entrepreneurs, business owners, even in real estate, in the real estate field, um, believe that, you know, you have failures along the way. And, and that's just part of growing and part of entrepreneurship. You know, you fail, but you keep moving forward because you're just you're just still trying to trying to keep going and do whatever you can to kind of surpass those different things.Β 

Trust Your Instincts! πŸ’ͺ | Wholesaling Real Estate

January 10, 2025

You can never afford them. You know, to be honest, no matter how much money you have or think you need. You know, it's just never enough is kind of what your mindset is. That's just human nature, I think. Um, but the point is, you know, if you didn't decide just to have kids, just have them, you'll figure it out somehow. You'll figure out how to make the money that you need to provide for your family. You know, that's just the way it is. That's human nature, to just provide and do what we got to do, you know, to get the things that we want and need.Β 

When's The Right Time? ⏰ | Wholesaling Real Estate

January 9, 2025

So what I'm saying is, maybe some of you are getting married or you're already married and you've probably had a conversation about kids at some point, right? Most, most couples that I know, they want to have kids, but it's always a discussion of when to have them. Right. And it's usually like, well, we want to wait till we can afford them, okay? Or we want to wait until this milestone, or wait until we get a three bedroom house so we can grow into a couple of kids, or wait until we can afford that SUV as opposed to our compact car, just so we can accommodate that. Um, the, um, the baby seat a little bit easier, you know? But it's always like we're waiting for this certain milestone in our lives.Β 

Your Potential Is Waiting! πŸ˜‡ | Wholesaling Real Estate

January 8, 2025

Well, I pretty much have a different mindset. I don't believe that you fail at all. There's two ways that you fail, in my opinion, one of which is you don't ever start. So you failed because you never even started. So you don't even know what your potential was because you never actually got going. You never took action to do anything at all. Right. But the second way, in the most common way that you fail is by quitting. You know. Yeah. Wholesaling is hard. Running a business in general is hard. Everything is hard about business. That's just the way it is. But, you know, you just got to think what your goals and dreams are.Β 

Wealth Isn't Security? πŸ’Έ | Wholesaling Real Estate

January 7, 2025

So let's flip the script on this guy that's making $1 million a year. Obviously he's got the big house, the fancy cars, anything anybody would ever want. But if he loses his job today, he loses everything, right? He doesn't have. Yeah, he might have his 401 K to help them get through that. He can borrow against for a little while. But at the same time he's losing everything. He's losing his house, he's losing his fancy cars. And a lot of times they end up losing their spouse as well because of the hardship that that puts on a family. You know, um, the biggest reason people get divorced is financial.Β 

Secure Your Financial Future! πŸ”‘ | Wholesaling Real Estate

January 6, 2025

Let's say, for example, um, that there's somebody, you know, let's just say for me, example, I mean, we do over a million a year in wholesaling fees. So let's say this job person also makes a million a year. Okay, but the difference is I also have 25 rentals. Those rentals are going to pay me forever and ever. And it's over $2.5 million of net worth because I have equity and that much equity in those 25 rentals. So if I lost my wholesaling company and I wasn't able to do it anymore, for whatever reason today I could never work again and be fine because I still have that rental income coming in forever.Β 

Tomorrow Never Comes! πŸ™… | Wholesaling Real Estate

January 5, 2025

So, the point of this, you know, tomorrow never comes. This can be applied in business as well. Right? So it's the same thing in entrepreneurship and wholesaling, any kind of business, you know, um, you know, because I've seen people like that to like, yeah, I'll quit my 9 to 5, uh, whenever because I want to start my business. But I got to do this and this and this, like, you think you have to have everything perfect. Um, you know, let me write my business plan, or, you know, it's always there's always excuses. And I'm not saying don't plan because it's definitely smart to kind of have a game plan. But at the same time, tomorrow never comes if you don't do anything. That's just the fact. Um, you've got to decide to do it. Take the necessary steps to start doing it.Β 

Life Is Unpredictable! πŸ’β€β™‚οΈ | Wholesaling Real Estate

January 4, 2025

And the fact of the matter is, tomorrow never comes. Uh, first of all, we're not guaranteed tomorrow, you know, because, you know, God made us all, and life can be gone. You know what? A split, split moment. We can't control that. Um, there's only two things in life that are guaranteed. That's taxes and death. Um, you know, some people, you know, if you're a real estate investor, you can avoid most of those taxes if you're smart and got to get an accountant. But, um, but death is guaranteed for everybody no matter what. So the point is, um, tomorrow's not guaranteed.Β 

Unlock Your True Potential! πŸ’ͺ | Wholesaling Real Estate

January 3, 2025

Some people never really reached their full potential. And, you know, I'm always striving for that to because I know I can do more, do better. But a lot of people never leave the corporate world because they have that security of a job when reality is they're trading their time for money, whereas they can never, never really get ahead. I don't care if you even make, you know, $500,000 a year. I guarantee that a successful real estate entrepreneur is worth way more than that person makes any year, even if they only make, uh, you know, 200,000 a year.Β 

The Real Difference In Wealth! πŸ’° | Wholesaling Real Estate

January 2, 2025

And that's really the difference. I can make a million a year in wholesaling. He can make a million a year to his job. But I've got 25 rentals as backup for long term wealth. That will always pay me forever and ever and ever. So I could stop wholesaling today and live free forever. This guy lives is a job today, and he's screwed till he gets another job, and he probably won't find a job to replace that kind of income for a while.Β 

Super Cheap Remodels! 😱 | Wholesaling Real Estate

January 1, 2025

So I was in it for like 6800 or so with closing costs, paying both sides and all that kind of stuff. And then I actually did, um, all the remodel I negotiated super cheap with the guy, of course. Keep in mind he did the roof, so he tore off the old roof because it had a couple of layers, did a new roof, painted the entire exterior and the entire interior, completely redid all the flooring. Did the new tub surround in the bathroom replace that sheetrock in the in the living room on the ceiling? Um, he did all of that and mowed the property over these, uh, three months that it took him to do this. Of course, I could have did this faster, but I wasn't in a hurry. I didn't really care. Holding costs aren't very much. Uh, the insurance is, like 60 bucks, and the, um, I think the utilities end up being, you know, under $100 a month. So, sure, I could have got done faster by paying somebody a little bit more, but I paid the guy, um, $2,200 for labor for all of this. And it took them two and a half months or so. Um, and then the materials were obviously more than that. So I'm all in on this property for just under $12,500.Β 

Exploring A Hidden Gem! πŸ’Ž | Wholesaling Real Estate

December 31, 2024

Okay. So let's get into it. All right, guys, so this is the house right here. Now this property is in Lawton, Oklahoma. So it's actually a town that I grew up in. So I know the town like the back of my hand. Uh, and, uh, you know, this isn't like this. The nicest area in town, but it's not the super ghetto either. So, um, you know, it's a decent little area that many people wouldn't mind living in. So anyways, this is the house. Obviously. It's our perfect wholesale house that we look forward to. Stressed house, uh, with the, uh, torn up, uh, you know, trim around the roof and the roof is bad. You know, the whole siding, all of it.Β 

Let’s Dive Into The Process! βš™οΈ | Wholesaling Real Estate

December 30, 2024

So today's video I'm going to show you how I got this super low end rental. Uh, it was too good to pass up into wholesale off, so I kept it myself. We put a little bit of work into it, and now we do everything on rent to own to where I actually keep the date. Basically it's a contract for deed, so I will keep the deed in my name. But now I've got a tenant buyer that will end up, you know, taking care of the property and living there and renting it until they own it. So I typically do that over a set amount of time and a certain interest rate. So anyways, let's get into the video. So I'm gonna actually share my screen with you and kind of show you some before pictures and walk you through the whole process of what we did, how we did it, and where we got it and all those kind of things.

I Made It Work! πŸ’ͺ | Wholesaling Real Estate

December 29, 2024

For a low end rental. So here's the numbers on it. I actually bought the property for 5000, but with closing costs, and I paid part of the probate that had to be done. Like this took a year process just to get closed because of probate and everything else that had to happen. And actually we ended up yeah, it was probate. They had a lot of errors, is what it was. That's why it took so long. But anyways, so I bought it for 5000 with closing costs, and I just paid part of the probate just to help them because they needed a little bit more money. Um, so that I could pay 5000 because I wanted to pay 3500, which is what we agreed to originally, but I paid 5000 plus closing everything. So I was in it for like 6800 or so with closing costs, paying both sides and all that kind of stuff.

What Really Matters? πŸ€” | Wholesaling Real Estate

December 28, 2024

Let's just say, for example, you've got a couple of deals under contract. And as you know, if you've been in this business for a while or if you're brand new and you don't know, uh, deals are going to fall out that you cannot control. Okay. Uh, it's not always about getting the deepest discount with the seller. It's not always about can you find a buyer or not? Um, it all really stems from is there a clean title on the property? And you don't really know those things until you get the deal, and it's in escrow with the title company.

Staying Organized Is Key! πŸ“† | Wholesaling Real Estate

December 27, 2024

And that's why it's important, you know, to kind of have a team once you get going. But if you're a one man show, that's no problem. You know, I did this. Everybody starts as a one man show. Um, but my first several months, I was just by myself. I worked a lot, but I was really organized, and I stayed on top of things. So that's the main thing. You want to stay. Stay organized. So if you've got 100 leads even and you've got maybe you're talking to ten of those that are really good potential and you've got two under contract. They both fall through, but you still got those other eight that have really good potential. So you got to talk to those, you know, follow up with those people all the time.

Always Be Prepared! βœ… | Wholesaling Real Estate

December 26, 2024

Okay, so you can't count on for that same example I was, I was going towards, uh, you got two deals in escrow right now. One of them, you got a potential $15,000 payday coming because you've already got it assigned to a to an end buyer. And the other one. Maybe you're actively searching for a buyer, but nevertheless, your lead flow can't stop. Because what happens if this $15,000 deal doesn't close because there's too many tidal issues and you can't get them worked out? And then what happens if this other deal you just can't find a buyer because maybe you locked it up too high. Maybe it's in an area that no buyers really want. Um, you know, maybe it's reasons that you still can't control fully, but it's not tidal issues.

Marketing Starts It All! πŸ“’ | Wholesaling Real Estate

December 25, 2024

Whatever leads that you have, you got to you know, you got to keep following up with those two on a weekly or bi weekly or monthly basis at a minimum. Right? So the point is, have a good pipeline. That's just sales one on one in general. Um, your pipeline is really everything. Um, but it all starts with marketing. If you've got consistent marketing going out, then you're going to have a lot of leads coming in which the leads are your pipeline. Okay. So keep your pipeline really full so that when those sucky days come, you know, it doesn't affect you as much.

Consistent Wholesaling Paychecks! πŸͺ™ | Wholesaling Real Estate

December 24, 2024

Exactly what I said at the beginning, you know, are you having trouble actually getting a check every single month? Or maybe you're just completely brand new to wholesaling and you want to learn more? Okay, so here's what it is. In my opinion, when you're not, uh, getting consistent checks, obviously everything that we do, you have to be consistent, okay. You have to have, uh, consistent action in income producing activities every single day. If you want to be successful in this business, at least if you want to make consistent paychecks month after month. Okay. Um, but the biggest issue that I see most people make, and luckily, because I have a sales and marketing background, I never fell into this, uh, trap, if you will. Um, but if you want consistent paychecks every single month, you got to keep your pipeline full.

Always Keep Hustling! πŸ’ͺ | Wholesaling Real Estate

December 23, 2024

So that's the trap people can fall into. You're like, okay, I got this deal. I found a great deal with the seller. I already found a buyer, and I've got a design. I'm going to make $15,000. This stuff happens to us all the day, all the time, by the way. Which is why I'm telling you this. So you've got this $15,000 payday coming and you're anticipating that. But a lot of times you stop the activities that you were doing to get you that $15,000 potential payday. And now that's one thing to it's always a potential payday until you actually have either the check in hand or the wire in your bank.

Get Those Paychecks Rolling! πŸ’΅ | Wholesaling Real Estate

December 22, 2024

So what does that mean? So your pipeline obviously is is your leads. It's a consistent lead flow coming into your business every single day or every single week and every single month. Okay. Because here's what happens. I've seen this happen to a lot of new wholesalers, um, that have that have always, you know, local people or, you know, people across the US, you know, they may have reached out to me and they've given me these kind of concerns or like, well, how do you how do you bring in these checks consistently? You know, they're always like, well, my issue is not selling. Uh, I'm pretty good at getting the deal or my issue is not finding the buyer. You know, I'm pretty good at finding a buyer or whatever, but I can't get consistent paychecks. And usually when you start breaking down, you know the reasons.

It's Not The END! πŸ™…β€β™‚οΈ | Wholesaling Real Estate

December 21, 2024

So what are we going to do? You know, we were hoping for this $12,000, but at the end of the day, it's not that big a deal. We've got other deals closing. We've got a $39,000 deal closing this week. Um, and another $15,000 deal closing this week. So, you know, it's not the end of the world. To lose the 12 is the whole point of this. That's why it's important. If you can have a good pipeline, these deals that you're losing that kind of go south on you are not as big of a deal. Yes. It's still sucks. There's no way to prevent that. Who wants to lose 12 K, right? Nobody. But you can't do anything about it. And at the end of the day, if you've got other money coming in, it doesn't hurt near as bad.