Graylan Stewart | Wholesaling Real Estate BlogΒ πŸ‘‡

Why Would You Stop That! πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ| Wholesaling Real Estate

July 26, 2024

If you've got an ATM literally spitting out cash once you have the formula systems, processes, people in place to be able to handle those leads 100% soon, that marketing is going to be your cash. Why would you stop doing that?

Keep Your ATM Rolling! πŸ’ͺ | Wholesaling Real Estate

July 25, 2024

Well I'm going to merge into apartments or mobile homes or storage units or whatever it is. They're going to merge into that and stop wholesaling. But I'm like, why not merge into those things to build your long term wealth and have that going but still keep your ATM rolling as well?

My Ultimate Goal! πŸ˜‡ | Wholesaling Real Estate

July 24, 2024

So whether that's been a landlord with a bunch of rentals or just having a bunch of properties on rent to own, or if that's owning mobile home parks, or maybe you go into apartments or whatever it might be, passive income is my ultimate goal.

Passive Income! πŸ€‘ | Wholesale Real Estate

July 23, 2024

What I do with that cash is build long term wealth for cash flow. And that's really the ultimate goal for me is to have some passive income.

Own A Wholesaling Company! 🏒 | Wholesaling Real Estate

July 22, 2024

Because we have people in place. I don't ever see a reason of ever stopping wholesaling like I have one friend that I don't necessarily want to be doing it personally, but I want to own wholesaling company when I'm 60 for sure.

Get To The Closing Table! πŸ‘ˆ | Wholesaling Real Estate

July 21, 2024

The acquisition managers that get the deals for us. They've got a transaction coordinator that coordinates everything with the title company buyer or seller attorneys, anything involved in between making sure we get to the closing table disposition manager that actually sells those deals to cash buyers.

Overseeing Everything! πŸ‘€ | Wholesaling Real Estate

July 20, 2024

Me as a CEO and business owner, I'm not really in the day to day grind of all the actual positions within the company. So I'm really just kind of overseeing everything and running the company.

I'll Never Stop! πŸ™…β€β™‚οΈ | Wholesaling Real Estate

July 19, 2024

Sending out the marketing, you're going to get cash back. And that's just a no brainer. That's how it works. I love the ATM aspect of this business for sure. My opinion is on it. I'll never stop wholesaling real estate.

It's Like An ATM! πŸ€‘ | Wholesaling Real Estate

July 18, 2024

It's wholesaling real estate. You know the end game or should it be the end game? You know, in my opinion is obviously wholesaling real estate is awesome. It's literally like an ATM.

It Changed My Life! πŸ˜‡ | Wholesaling Real Estate

July 17, 2024

I found wholesaling real estate, changed my life, found out that, hey, I can build some systems and processes around this business and make it easier to train actual people to do specific jobs within the business.

Consistent Deals! πŸ”„ | Wholesaling Real Estate

July 16, 2024

But whatever, whatever you decide to do, make sure you're consistent because that is the key to this game. Consistency over time means consistent deals over time as well.Β 

The Easiest Way! πŸ’ͺ | Wholesaling Real Estate

July 15, 2024

So you got your list. You compiled the list in the Excel format and those 10 columns. Then you skipped trace the list and you start marketing the list. Is that how you get started? The easiest way in wholesaling real estate.

Ringless Voice Mail! πŸ”Š | Wholesaling Real Estate

July 14, 2024

And also you can the RVMs. Ringless Voice Mail is an RVM. So what that is, is it will ring their phone and actually bypasses the ringer goes directly in your voicemail. You've gotten these calls many times. All of a sudden you look on your phone and see you have a voicemail that was a RVM. your phone never rang.

Ready To Answer! πŸ“ž | Wholesaling Real Estate

July 13, 2024

You know, cold calling, obviously is the cheapest but SMS and RVM are super cheap. So you can actually upload your list into an SMS platform like leadshark. There's a couple of others out there, but you can upload that list to where it text blast everybody at once, but be ready to answer those text messages and start replying and having conversations with people.

Do It Consistently! πŸ”„ | Wholesaling Real Estate

July 12, 2024

Whatever you decide to do, you've got to do it consistently. Got to do it all the time. Be dedicated. If you're doing cold calling schedule, block a time every single day to call. Do that for an hour straight, because if you do whatever you do consistently over time, you're going to get deals just by default, even if you don't know what you're doing.

Bandit Signs! πŸ‘ˆ | Wholesaling Real Estate

July 11, 2024

You could always by bandit signs bandit signs are pretty cheap. They're like a couple of dollars apiece at those signs that say, We buy houses that you see on the side of the road so you could buy a couple of hundred of those.

Dialing For Dollars! πŸ€‘ | Wholesaling Real Estate

July 10, 2024

But the point is, you got to start marketing so you can do phone calls. You can literally dial. Now you're dialing for dollars, you know, one by one, trying to reach the seller in hopes to make an offer on their house. That's all about making offers, right?

Make The Phone Calls! πŸ“ž | Wholesaling Real Estate

July 09, 2024

After you get the skip trace list, it's just to pick up the phone and make the phone calls. Be sure not to use your actual cell phone. Get a Google voice number. At least those are free. Use CallRail. It's like $30 a month and you get 10 different phone lines. That way you can track the different things that you're doing. So cold calling can be one of your phone numbers.

Super Cheap Way! πŸ‘Œ | Wholesaling Real Estate

July 08, 2024

If you're doing it the super cheap way, obviously you could coldcall these whether that's manually dialing on your phone and calling them one by one, or you could put it into a dialer like a mojo where just automatically dials a list for you.

Start Marketing! πŸ“’ | Wholesaling Real Estate

July 07, 2024

So after you have the full list, skip trace, you've got all these records, phone numbers. Now you've got to start marketing. So you have the phone numbers and you've got their mailing address. Depending on your marketing methods, you can go about this a lot of different ways.

10,000 Records Every Month! 😱 | Wholesaling Real Estate

July 06, 2024

You need the list, compile the list. Now you can buy this list if you don't want to driving for dollars, buy from You're allowed to pull 10,000 records every month.

Skip Tracing! πŸ” | Wholesaling Real Estate

July 05, 2024

Whatever your list size is, after you're finished with the list, once you have it, you want to send that to a company to skip tracing. So what is skip tracing? Skip tracing is simply finding information on a person. You're doing a deep dive into that person.

After I Get The List? πŸ€” | Wholesaling Real Estate

July 04, 2024

After you get that list, you've got to put the list into an Excel file. So on the Excel file, You need the seller's First name, last name, property address, the property city, the property state, the property zip code, the mailing address, mailing city, mailing state and mailing zip code.

Find Distressed Houses! 🏑 | Wholesaling Real Estate

July 03, 2024

It’s easy just to go find distressed houses because you're looking for overgrown trees and bushes, you know, tall grass over stuff, the mailbox stickers on the windows, etc.. Right.

Driving For Dollars! πŸ€‘ | Wholesaling Real Estate

July 02, 2024

So you can do driving for dollars. And literally what that means is you're driving in your car hoping to make dollars from the end game on this on this wholesaling journey

Live Calls and LOTS of Nuggets! πŸ“ž | Wholesaling Real Estate

July 01, 2024

Join us for an exciting session of live calls and valuable insights into wholesaling real estate! πŸ“ž Discover expert tips, strategies, and golden nuggets that can help you close more deals and succeed in the real estate market. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn and grow your wholesaling business!

Compile Your Own List! πŸ“ƒ | Wholesaling Real Estate

June 30, 2024

So if you want to compile your own list, obviously you need addresses and people you need a list to start with. So you can do driving for dollars.

How Do You Get LEADS! 🀝 | Wholesaling Real Estate

June 29, 2024

All right. So you decided to take up wholesaling real estate and you need lead because that's the first thing you need when you start this business. But how do you get to? really step 1 is you need a list!

Real Estate Pro Tip! πŸ‘ | Wholesaling Real Estate

June 27, 2024

And here is pro tip never just sign a contract blindly. Make sure you're on the phone with them while you are explaining it or while you're there with them. Otherwise you know, it's just a simple click the sign.

Maximizing Your Real Estate Leads! πŸ€‘ | Wholesaling Real Estate

June 26, 2024

I pulled the list. So it's an equity absentee list from propstream for this particular county. So don't ever just chock your list and think that they're dead because if they're are motivated seller list something made them motivated then all of a sudden fall off of that list unless they sell the house or some.

You've Got To Be Good At! πŸ‘ | Wholesaling Real Estate

June 25, 2024

If you're going to do wholesaling real estate, obviously you've got to be good at acquisitions. You've got to be good at transaction coordinating and you've got to be good at dispositions and you have to know how to run a business if you want to make it into a business. But if it's a side hustle, get the deals, sell the deals and move to the next one.
The Key To This Business! πŸ”‘ | Wholesaling Real Estate
June 24, 2024

Getting to talk to sellers again and just interacting and going through the whole process, getting the lead into our system, following up with that lead, you know, taking those inbound calls, calling people back, you know, texting people, doing the whole thing. That's the key to this business.
You Need To Track It! βœ… | Wholesaling Real Estate
June 23, 2024

Once you start talking to sellers, you're going to end up getting deals, but you can't get those. You can't manage those. Once you get into bigger volumes of leads without a CRM and you definitely want to track it so that you know what kind of money you're spending on different lead sources and if they're worth it or not.
The 3 Things You Need! 3️⃣ | Wholesaling Real Estate
June 22, 2024

You just need your CRM or your notebook. Either way, you need your tracking phone number so that you can track the leads when they come in. And then you just need a list of people, and that's the three things you need.
10,000 Leads Per Month! 🀝 | Wholesaling Real Estate
June 21, 2024

I always suggest propstream. It's $97 a month. But the fact is, you get 10,000 records per month with propstream, so you can pull a lot of leads. 10,000 leads per month for $97. It's crazy.
Different Lists To Use! πŸ’β€β™‚οΈ | Wholesaling Real Estate
June 20, 2024

Think about those lists on listsource. There's Adamdata, there's propstream I think there's all kinds of different lists out there you could buy.
I'd Suggest To Use! πŸ’ͺ | Wholesaling Real Estate
June 19, 2024

Any kind of advertising out there at all you can have. You know, I would suggest to use different phone numbers. Even when we do direct mail, we have different numbers for different types of lists that we use, and we keep those numbers forever.
This Is Super Important! πŸ‘ˆ | Wholesaling Real Estate
June 18, 2024

The last thing you need in a super important, in my opinion, you need a tracking phone number. Not only do you not want to use your personal cell phone because potentially safety reasons.
You Need A List! 🫡 | Wholesaling Real Estate
June 17, 2024

You need some sellers, whether you buy lists or you drive for dollars or you do some type of marketing to bring calls in. You need a list of sellers to talk to. Okay.
Don't Waste Your Money! πŸ’Έ | Wholesaling Real Estate
June 16, 2024

If you do Facebook or some of those other types of marketing where people call you, then you definitely need the cirium to be able to track those people calling in so you don't get those lost and you waste money on marketing.
You Have To Have This! πŸ™„ | Wholesaling Real Estate
June 15, 2024

So the next thing that you need is a list of sellers. So you have to have somebody to call or somebody to market to. No matter what kind of marketing channel you choose, you have to have a list of some sort.
A Really Good Tool! βš™οΈ | Wholesaling Real Estate
June 14, 2024

So there's super affordable things out there in Podio a lot of real estate investors use I use it myself. So it's definitely a really good tool. A lot of team members built in because it get kind of charged based on the members that are using it as well.
It's Free! πŸ€ͺ | Wholesaling Real Estate
June 13, 2024

You need something to track your leads with. Whether that's a CRM, you can use something like Podio. I think their basic version is free or almost free, at least even an upgraded version that's still super cheap is like, I think it's $24 a month or something like that.
Keep Track Your Leads! ✍️ | Wholesaling Real Estate
June 12, 2024

To keep track of your leads. I mean, you have to have somewhere to put their name, address, phone number and the notes that you take every time and then something holding you accountable to actually be able to follow up day to day or at least a weekly basis.
Very Basic Things! πŸ˜‡ | Wholesaling Real Estate
June 11, 2024

Very basic things that you have to have when you get started in wholesaling real estate, 1st thing you need somewhere to be able to put your leads. So I definitely suggest maybe use as some type of basic generic CRM just somewhere that you can actually store information.
Start With The Basics! πŸ› οΈ | Wholesaling Real Estate
June 10, 2024

3 basic tools that you must have to get started in wholesaling real estate. A lot of people try to overcomplicate this whole business and yes, it can be difficult and some aspects, but at the same time you got to start with the basics.
Grow Your Income! πŸ€‘ | Wholesaling Real Estate
June 9, 2024

So yes, you can you can wholesale without a team. Absolutely. But once you figure it out, definitely hire that team, get things in place to where you can actually grow, grow that machine and grow your income at the same time.
It's Impossible! πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ | Wholesaling Real Estate
June 7, 2024

But without a team, you know, it's impossible to truly do big numbers by yourself because you're typically going to work yourself to death. So that's my 2 sense on that.
Make It A Business! πŸ’ͺ | Wholesaling Real Estate
June 6, 2024

Once you get the process and the systems and everything in place, I definitely suggest hiring a team, make it a business to where you can kind of oversee everything and make things run smoothly. Then you've got everybody doing their own thing in their own particular position.